Collection: PERSONAL SAFETY ALARMS | 130dB | Incredibly Loud | Self Defence

Top Quality | Extremely Loud Personal Safety Alarms | Designed for Non-Violent Self-Defence

 Small, discreet, and non-violent, these personal safety alarms are designed to help protect you from potential attackers or draw attention to your distress. 

What is a Personal Safety Alarm?

These devices are made to be carried on your person and are recommended for people as an added level of security while carrying out various activities such as walking alone at night or whilst out jogging. While these alarms are not foolproof, they are a compact way to carry a loud attention-grabbing siren device on your person to offer another level of personal protection. 

Who should buy one of these?

These small, non violence, self-defense tools are designed to draw attention to you when you find yourself in distress. Statistics show that as much as 50% of women have or will be subjected to sexual violence or unwanted attention in their lifetime, and as the world continues to grow more violent this number may continue to rise. 

These Personal Safety Alarms are the perfect non violent, self-defense option for many different situations and would suit;

  • Lone workers
  • Night Shift workers
  • People who take public transport
  • People that walk late at night
  • People who go running or walking alone
  • High School and University Students
  • Travelers and Van Lifers
  • For those on a night out in town

Why stock them along side Survival Kits and Grab Bags?

From a disaster / survival perspective, these alarms have sirens that work at a very high decibel rate, and their sound can be heard from a good distance away and carry further than a human scream can. If you were trapped in rubble, or needed to get someone’s attention, these alarms may be a great way to do that. They also have lights which flash brightly and sound for a considerable period.

We offer alarms in both rechargeable options and dry battery (AAA) options.